Automated Text Generation for your E-Commerce Business

Imagine a world where you can create riveting content for your online store within mere minutes. With wordyAI, this is not just a dream. Measure your growth, break the chains of language restrictions with support for over 110-languages, and experience the comfort of automation. Step into the world of wordyAI and write your own future of content management!

Control the flow of content easily

Ease of use

Operating wordyAI? Piece of cake, really! A couple of clicks here and there, and voila! You're all set and ready to roll.

Reporting and analytics

Do some A/B testing, analyze your texts, and then tweak them with a simple button press. Easy peasy!

Content automation

Just hit a button and bam! WordyAI's got your optimized product texts. And you can totally measure the impact!

Quality & SEO

WordyAI's a quick study - it learns from your stuff to deliver top-notch, SEO-friendly content. Take that, competition!

Workflow automation

Make wordyAI your own. You call the shots - decide when and what content it should whip up.

Managing the quality of your content? It's easy!

wordyAI serves as an automated content generator for products featured in your online marketplace. What sets it apart is its measurability. The AI technology has the capability to generate up to three unique content suggestions per product when required, and it strategically evaluates them based on user interactions within your e-commerce environment. This approach ensures the delivery of fresh content regularly, and more importantly, the content that yields the highest conversion rate. 

Need detailed stats? No problem! WordyAI's got you covered.

Beyond just generating content, wordyAI provides detailed statistics and analysis. Our specialized technology enables us to accurately gauge how effectively texts are read and converted. The AI simplifies the process of creating optimal content for your online store with just the click of a button. These insightful statistics can be conveniently viewed both on your dashboard and through your Google Analytics and/or Matomo account.

Integrated tools you know & love

Establish a link between wordyAI and various platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, Google Analytics, and many others. If your preferred eCommerce platform is not listed, feel free to communicate with us to explore potential integration options. 

Most frequently asked questions

Many people have questions about how wordyAI can make your job easier. We are ready to answer all your questions.

What happens when the beta version of wordyAI launches?

Upon the launch of our beta version, all pre-registered users will be granted free access to wordyAI.

Will new users have the opportunity to use wordyAI for free as well?

Yes, indeed! We're excited to offer a limited free trial period for all new users who join after the launch.

When will the beta version of wordyAI be released?

The beta version is scheduled for release in August 2023.

What happens after the beta version is released?

Once we've had a chance to test and refine the system based on feedback and performance during the beta phase, we will proceed with the official launch.

How can I become a beta tester for wordyAI?

It's simple. You just need to sign up for our newsletter. We'll be in touch as soon as we can to discuss the next steps.

Are there any prerequisites to become a beta tester?

Yes, currently we require beta testers to have an online shop that operates on WordPress/WooCommerce. Don't worry if you use a different system though - we will be expanding to other shop systems soon.

What if I have more questions?

If you have any additional queries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can send us a message using the contact form on our website, and we'll be more than happy to help.